Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sun, Sea, Sky and Surf

Last week Paul (a friend from camp) and I headed up from Sydney to the Sunshine Coast to meet up with Richie for some serious sun and surfing. He delivered on both fronts, big time.

This was the arsenal of which we had to work.

The man, the myth, the legend.

Paul on the right and me on the left heading for some beginner waves.

I think Rich knows everyone who lives on the coast. Everywhere we went we were meeting people that he knew somehow. Everyone was really nice, especially his 6 roomates who graciously let us crash in the living room. We watched a bunch of "Flight of the Concordes" between hanging out with internationals and eating. If I were to move to Australia, it would be to the Sunny Coast. I can't say anything bad about it.

Waiting for a wave.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Grand Traverse through the Southern Alps

Remember that 6 day hiking trip I told you about a while ago? Ya, well this is the account of it:

It began on a Monday morning at 7:30 when we all met at the meeting spot with our bags packed and ready to go. The group consisted of a 8 old people from their mid 40's to mid 60's, a Japanese lady in her 30's and then me. Oh, there were 3 guides too. So basically we walked alot, climbed mountains, checked out waterfalls and alpine lakes. The weather was amazing and only threatened to rain the first day unlike the 5 days of rain the forecast had predicted. Everyone was really nice, the guides did a great job and it was an excellent time. Here is the photo essay of the trip.

View over Lake Wakatipu. This was on our way there.

The Greenstone Valley. Those white specks are sheep.

The view from Ocean Peak Corner

Alpine Tarn on Key Summit

Josh, one of the guides at the summit of Conical Hill.

A stream in the rainforest in Fiordland National Park.

Lake Howden

Lake Mackenzie. This is two pictures stitched vertically.

Earland Falls, it's 174m high but you can only see a piece of it here.

One of many falls at Falls Hut.

The morning view from Falls Hut down the Routeburn towards Glenorchy.