Monday, November 12, 2007

Ocean's House of Pain

Alright, now for a little catch up.

Last week we stopped at a cattle station in the middle of no where and seriously mean NO WHERE. Anyways, we got to practice cracking whips, riding a mechanical bull which proved to be quite painful, shooting clay pigeons and mustering goats. Ben didn't want to do the mustering but I did and lucky me, I got the slowest horse of the lot. He had two speeds, slow and slower.

Here we are almost finished.

Here is the dog. I liked him, Ben didn't.

The next day we headed south to a town called 1770 (yes, a number). Captain cook made his second landing in Australia here that year to repair his ship. They love that guy here. It's a tiny little town of one small street and a surf shop. We took the opportunity to take a surfing lesson. The first day went pretty well as we had small, easy waves and big boards.

This is me paddling into one.

Here is Ben kind of bailing but we don't have many pictures of actually surfing so this will have to do.

A couple days later we both went out for 4 hours when the waves were way bigger. We started around 10:30 and they were slowly building. At the beginning it was no problem but by the end we were just getting annihilated. It was common to see one of us go for a wave then the next moment see the board go flying up in the air and the person disappear in a frothing mass of water. Despite the burnt calves, rashes, chaffing and swallowing gallons of saltwater, it was worth it. We'll defintiely be hitting the beaches as we head south.

This is the beach we were on.

Here's Ben on the lookout. How romantic.

This is the spider of the web I ran into on my way back from the lookout. It was close, he almost landed on me. Lesson: let Ben walk first.

The lookout.


Anonymous said...

Rob, I've never known you to sit down long enough to read books. This is shocking to me that you've read so many!


bws said...

Since Rob is the tripper and video guy, does that make Ben the program director?
What do you guys do if it rains?
Diamond Smugglers, i bet.

Nicole Pullen said...

i'm so jealous you got to surf! i def want to do that one day :) and how big was that spider?!?! it looks HUMONGOUS! and all hairy and the such... probably would have made your day if it had landed on ya!