Monday, December 3, 2007

Byron's Pride and Joy

If you've ever been to Byron Bay you must have noticed it's pride and joy. The landmark above all other landmarks. The icon of the city which can be found on postcards, kebab store uniforms, real estate logos and surfboards. The one and only; the lighthouse.
Sitting atop Cape Byron, the most easterly point of the continent, the brightest light in all of Australia (besides the sun) beckons ships from afar as it's light can be seen up to 50km away. It also has a walkway up to it that is ridiculously long and in the blistering sun. Ben and I made the voyage taking the longest possible route. (We only realized this after looking at the map at the top) By the time we arrived we took like a 5 minute look and then sat in the old lighthouse keepers house, which was surprisingly cool, for a half hour watching a movie on aboriginals while eating ice cold chocolate bars and downing water like we had just crossed the Mojave. Ben drank a liter and half faster than the rock that shot at my head from the near by weedwacker while reading a sign. Overall it was a great experience, a true journey. Someday they might make a movie about it.
This was the first spot where we saw more "older people" than backpackers. There were bus loads of 'em.

The actual most eastern tip of Australia. There was no way we were going to walk all the way down there. A picture would suffice.

A great beach down there. Surf's up!

On another note Ben and I have been doing a lot of "window shopping". This consists of us going from store to store looking at the same clothes noting that they are exactly the same price everywhere and that that price is way to expensive. This was my favourite article we saw.

The only thing stopping me from buying it was the $60 price tag not the religious statement.


melissa said...

Ah I totally have the same photos of the lighthouse! Did you guys make it out to Nimbin?

Rob Nelson said...

no we skipped Nimbin. It didn't really seem that exciting.