Sunday, December 2, 2007

Sun, Sand and Surf

Hey everyone! So we left Brisvegas (Brisbane) last week and headed south past Surfer's Paradise after many people telling us it was overrated. As we drove through town it seemed like we had made the right choice as it was a booming mass of condos and highrise buildings, not really a backpacking dream. Along the way our bus stopped so people could go Zorbing. Check out the pics.
You sit in the middle of this big ball with 2 other people and a bunch of water swishing around a ride down the hill. It was 20 bucks for a 20 second ride and looked alot lamer in person so we didn't go but for some reason I feel it important to report.

We arrived in Byron Bay and after a zillion text messages and phone calls met up with a friend that I worked with in Guelph; Jill and a couple that I met in Fiji and Auckland a couple months ago; Ollie and Emma.
Emma on the left, Jill on the right.

Ollie and Emma

So since we've been here we've just been bumming around in this little touristy town looking at the overpriced surf clothing and going to the beach. Sharks are common here and it's pretty annoying when everyone has to leave the water to avoid them but I guess it's better than the other option of swimming with them. We've gone surfing and body boarding which were both a great time.

The water here is way colder than up north but it's alright b/c that means there aren't any jelly fish although Ollie did get stung by something as we surfed one day. Don't worry he'll make a full recovery.

Ben holding it down at "The Wreck" beach. There's a shipwreck right near shore.

Which way's the beach guys?

The discotheque

Oh ya, I got this mysterious rash on my wrist the other night. I have no idea what I touched but it's really itchy and if it doesn't go away soon I'm going to have to seek some medical advice. Do they have poison ivy down here, that's what it looks like.


Aaron Paas said...

are you sure the rash is on your wrist?

Rob Nelson said...


grace said...

benj, you have the same face in the collage. branch out.

Ian said...


j.groen said...

ben is getting straight dissed by siblings, watch out. way to go blue steel.