Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Queenstown Update

Alot has happened since my last post. I have found a place to live, started to work and got my laptop from Canada. Last Friday I moved across town to my own room in a hostel. It reminds me of living in rez by myself. The kitchen is down a couple floors so I find every reason not to go down there and just end up munching on anything edible in my room. The view out the window is great though and I'm only a 10 minute walk from work.

The view of which I speak with the Remarkables in the background.

Work has been a learning experience. I'm working for a hiking company that offers guided hikes along the Greenstone, Routeburn and Milford tracks down here. We send up to 50 people at a time on these hikes, usually about 75 people in total a day leave from our office to hit the trail. My actual job is to brief the people on what to bring which involves standing infront of up to 50 people at a time and giving them the spiel that yes, they have to bring thermal underwear. When I'm not in briefings I'm doing the paperwork associated with the whole thing. The first week has been a whirlwind with so much to remember and trying to make stuff up when people ask me specifics about the tracks b/c I haven't actually done them. But slowly it's coming together and I'm getting a grasp on it. I've signed up to do this job until the end of the season in April upon which I will begin my journey home. I still have a bit of NZ to see and have been throwing around the idea of going back to OZ for a couple weeks to visit some people and beaches that I missed last time. More on these plans later.

Getting my laptop was an ordeal. I hate waiting for stuff like this to come in the mail, it always seems to take forever. But here it is and it works great. Internet in my own room again... the luxuries.


Ian said...

sweet view

j.groen said...

sounds like this job of yours is really coming together.