Thursday, April 3, 2008


I haven't really been up to much lately, just working. I am counting the days until I'm done, not that the work is bad but I'm anxious to get moving again and doing cool stuff. I haven't left Queenstown in over two months. I think it's the longest I've ever been in one town without leaving.
I lined up to go on the Grand Traverse; a walk that we run at work, before I leave. It's going to be pretty cool, six days on the hiking track. Hopefully there will be some snow on the mountains and 6 clear, warm days (I'm not holding my breath). The weather here has just turned cool with daily highs barely making it into the 20's. This has proven a challenge for my wardrobe which caters to sun and surf. Only a few more weeks though.

I recently took out a membership at the local movie store where you can get a ton of movies and tv show seasons for really cheap so I've been watching a lot.

I find the mountains fascinating, no matter how many times you look at them they always look different and cool.

Oh, last weekend at home Boys' Camp hosted a stockmarket game for staff and alumni. I got to help out by filming some "insider" tips here and emailing the video home to be shown between the trading rounds. I messed it up a bit but I thought it was alright for one take on my lunch break.

What's new at home? No one tells me anything. Just because I'm gone, doesn't mean I'm not interested.


Nicole Pullen said...

well, home is the same old, same old. no pretty mountains to look at everyday! the snow is finally melting YAY! and it's also getting warmer... what else do you want to know? the leafs are outta the playoffs (are you really surprised) and i think ottawa is struggling to stay in....
yup! hahah how's that?

Anonymous said...

I see a Financial Advisor ex-selling, if you know what I mean.

I'll pass on your recommendation to invest in Tuck, after all it came from down-under and you are adding to the economy down there.