Saturday, April 26, 2008

Facts and Figures

By the end of this trip I will have:

Changed the time on my watch 19 times
Skipped September 20 then had 2 May 15ths
Been on 17 different flights with 7 different airlines
Lugged a tent around for over 6 months and used it 4 nights, carried a plastic plate and never used it
Traveled with: sports marketers, physicists, investment bankers, nurses, doctors, lawyers, teachers, geologists, engineers, graphic designers, accountants, national ice hockey players, postal workers, ironman triathletes, golf pros, a venture capitalist and a hospital clown
Taken over 7000 pictures
Eaten crappy takeout food billions of times
Skipped countless meals
Worn the same t-shirts and boxers hundreds of times
Gotten stuck on the Sydney Harbour Bridge in the rain
Climbed a palm tree to get a coconut and then ate it
Pet a sea turtle and swam with sharks
Flown over 41000km
Eaten kangaroo and crocodile
Slept on the world's largest sand island
Climbed a volcano
Climbed a glacier
Climbed mountains
Followed a stream underground for 3 hours
Gotten lost in the rainforest
Hung out on a beach 24hrs after a croc attacked someone there
Swam with dolphins
Slipped around two fighting sea lions
Driven on the beach for hours
Been woken up by cows
Bungy jumped
Seen more sheep than can be counted
Chased sheep, thrown rocks at sheep, yelled at sheep, eaten sheep
Swam in glacial streams and hot spring streams
Seen wild penguins
Longboarded on the Sunshine coast
Worked out with the South African Sharks (a Rugby team)
Been asked if I was American hundreds of times
Dropped a camera in the ocean
Stayed on the island where "Castaway" was filmed
Peed in the Pacific Ocean
Found out what Cassowaries were and heard about them non-stop for 4 weeks
Handfed Lorikeets
Seen huge rats inside restaurants
Been eaten by bed bugs
Slept in a hammock on the beach between palm trees
Absolutely cooked, absolutely froze
Driven a 3-speed column shift on the wrong side of the road
Lost a usb key and a shirt


Nicole Pullen said...

sounds like you're doing a lot of reminiscing! is someone perhaps a little ready to come home? or is it because you're going to miss terribly all the things and places and people that you have over there?

Rob Nelson said...

i'm sort of ready but ya, i'm going to miss doing cool stuff and meeting interesting people from around the world too.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe we were in NZ at the same time... weird. Hope you're having a great time, I'm insanely jealous, I only got three weeks down there.

jake a said...

Have you peed into the wind on your trip at all? It's exhilarating. Also, you should not come home without learning to juggle.