Monday, November 26, 2007

Brisbane Round Two

Well, not too much has happened over the last few days. Instead of staying in hostels for the last week, we have been crashing on couches along the coast. We got hooked up with some names and numbers from an old camp guy who lives in Australia (thanks Rippa). It has been great being able to hang out with some real Australians for the first time.

We spent some time in Mooloolaba, and now we are in Brisbane staying with five girls who have been incredibly accomodating. There isn't too much to do in Brisbane, as Rob informed me since he was here two months ago, but we have been taking it easy watching a few movies and walking around seeing the sights. Our busy day today in Brisbane included, mailing postcards, buying some clothes, and eating ice cream.

The house we are staying at is a really nice "Queenslander" but it doesn't have many functional door knobs. The one in this picture doesn't turn or serve much of a purpose except reminding us of Lord of the Rings.

In Mooloolaba we borrow some surfboards off the guys we were staying with but they were way too small for our skill level. But, hey, we looked cool.

Brisbane on our walk home.

In an effort to save money we got our hair cut at a Hairdressing Academy. Bad Idea. We thought, "How bad could a $15 hair cut be." Just imagine, and thats probably pretty close.


Ian said...

How does the haircut compare to that memorable one from the summer ben?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the continuing saga. We really enjoy your "stories".
Hey Rob, Stephen arrives here on Dec 3, staying with Mel a few days. He may have a few tears when he sees your blog, yearning for Down Under.
When are you planning to go to Canberra? Mom tried to call again this pm.