Monday, November 5, 2007

The TronSki

In the last week or so Rob and I have started to refer to everything with either a tron or ski on the end of the word. For example "Rob that bed you are sleeping in is a real squeektron" or "Ben can you pass me that can of popski." It started when every hostel we stayed in had a bed that sqeeked so loud that it would wake everyone up whenever someone rolled over. And so came the squeektron or squeekski. We use it so frequently that I am surprised that we aren't getting more looks of confusion from everyone we talk to. Especially from the German contingent becuase its hard to carry a conversation with them and it seems like all of Germany is in Australia.

You guys might not think its too funny but we think its hilarious.


Anonymous said...

SkiTron, like a jumboTron ??

Hey,any way to make the map larger on occasion so we can see where you are?

Aaron Paas said...

you guys are a couple of nerdskis.

Anonymous said...

Bentron, I'm madly in love with you. Love, your secret blog admirer.

Steve said...

I think it's pretty funny too actually

Ben's mom said...

how are you finding the churches there?

Nicole Pullen said...

have you guys started using abbrevs yet tho?!?! cause that's the next step, after the tronski. bring it out to australia!! it's taking over here, see if you can start a movement!