Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Nevis...

Last week a bunch of us from the bus booked to go on "The Nevis", a 134m bungy jump just outside of town in an area that more closely resembled Afghanistan than NZ. They say go big or go home so I opted in on the highest jump in NZ. The whole process took about 4 hours while the 8.5 second freefall into the valley floor almost gave me a heart attack. On the brightside I got a t-shirt and certificate (which will surely hang next to my degree) to prove I did it.

This is at the first ever bungy jump site (not the nevis). It's a wimpy 43m, I saw a bunch of rovers doing it for sectional.

Here I am, about to die.

This is THE NEVIS in all it's glory. This is actually my friend Julie jumping.


Ian said...

so that's the one for frontiersmen?

but seriously, how many meters is that one?

that's intense.

Ian said...

ah 134m, i read the post again..

j.groen said...

how much free fall time do you get?

j.groen said...

oh, 8 seconds, maybe i should just read the column like ian.

Andrew Alan Phillips said...

so did you go bungee jumping in NZ?

Andrew Alan Phillips said...

ah now i see its right there. the whole post on bungee jumping. with you in the picture. its right there.

Anonymous said...

Where's the updated Rob Nelson exclusive.....


Anonymous said...

looks like i'm not the only one who's got the memory of a goldfish.