Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Breaking Point

Aaron here.... As you can all see, the trip across the country has been amazing, I continued to be surprised by the beauty of this country.

I thought while I was a part of this crew I would take my chance to give a bit of an outsiders perspective on this whole "ben and rob" thing as I feel that I am getting a nice little preview of what the next 7 months of their life together will look like.....

The days seem to go on a cycle and with the exception of maybe one or two the following remains true; the day starts quiet, everyone a little sleepy still, but very kind and even a little excited to see what the day has in store. The next major point of interest in the day is usually around 1 or 2 when ben politely will ask the car if anyone is hungry, and when one of us replies something along the lines of "yeah... i could eat" like clockwork his reply is "good.... because I am STARVING" after a lunch that could range anywhere from a subway sandwhich to "the best burger I have ever had"- ben in Calgary, we head out on the afternoon. The afternoon is generally uneventful, unless rob hits sensory overload like he did yesterday from seeing too many beautiful mountains and then instantly gets really tired.

By far the most interesting point of the day is what I like to call "The Breaking Point". While we have managed to avoid this point once or twice, more often than not, at around the 10 or 11 o'clock mark a combination of cabin fever, overcaffination and lack of female presence and reason brings us to a place where one of the three of us has had enough. This would not be that big of a deal, except for the fact that this is also often the time that we are making decisions that require agreement from all parties such as food or lodging for the night. A perfect example was last night, when after a great day of driving we made it to revelstoke and started looking for somewhere to eat, just before we pulled up to Denny's for a little all night breakfast, we hit the BP. This spilled over and manifested itself in a verbal abuse/punching match in the oversized booth in Denny's between rob and ben. Luckily the friendly service and delicious breakfast meats at that fine establishment where able to calm the nerves and we all left as friends with full stomachs.

As long as these guys can make all major decisions between the hours of 9am and 6pm, I think that they will make excellent travel partners......


Ian said...

Sounds like some great analysis.

Now how do you feel the BP will change or occur in greater regularity with the introduction of different time zones, sleepless nights, and/or kangaroos?

Unknown said...

i suspect the presence of kangaroos may go a long way in terms of solving this "breaking point" problem.

Silas said...

this is awesome. Rob, i will be reading regularly, i'd love to hear about the trip.

Anonymous said...

aaron can you guest post more often? your outsider perspective on the dynamic between the big turk and eatmore is intriguing...

Andrew Alan Phillips said...
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Andrew Alan Phillips said...

awesome analysis aaron. i'm feeling ian's comment with the time-zone change...although since rob enters Oz before ben he will have a chance to get accustomed to the difference. but imagine they arrived together...if my calculations are correct that would mean a BP entry time of around 9am...not positive. What about heat? we all know hot tempteratures create hot tempers...will these boys be able to keep it cool in the outback? oh and digereedoo's...those could be vital.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the "low down",Aaron, on the personalities. Have to check that pulse as time goes on. Though, Rob may develop some new habits over the next month alone. What do you figure?

Don Nelson

Aaron Paas said...

Many excellent points were made and I appreciate the comments on my post, obviously this was a question that was on more than one person's mind. While it is inevitable that new wildlife and strangely attractive accents will have an effect on the BP for both Ben and Rob, only time will tell just what it will be. I have to say that I never really considered the impact of Rob's month solo to the equation that his dad brings up in these comments. I figure the most likely scenario is that Rob begins to enter a more relaxed state of mind, waking up at noon, leaving every decision until the last possible moment and taking noticeably loud breaths showing his general contentedness with the world. In this case he will then realize that he has essentially become ben and the BP will all but disappear.
In this case, we may have to rename them the Twix....