Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Thanks for the calls (I'm being sarcastic)

Ben and I are assuming that everyone at home must be somehow confused as to how to call an Australian mobile phone. This conclusion was derived from the lack of calls coming our way from you guys who are reading this. We're not asking you to make a marathon call and talk to us all day, just a quick hey and a small chat. Just so everyone is on the same page here is the info you need:

011 (international calling number)
61 (Australia country code)
431885934 to reach Rob
432859068 to reach Ben

To text us dial 61-431885934 (Rob) or 61-432859068 (Ben)

Any problems just shoot either one of us an email or something.

Just for the record Ian is the only one to have called either one of us yet (not counting parents)


Aaron Paas said...

I tried calling a couple of weeks ago and you didn't answer, so I am not officially up to one more attempt than you made while I was living in Mexico. Booya.

j.groen said...

what's the time difference?

Ian said...

i think it's something like our evenings are their mornings..

Anonymous said...

Have Rob or Ben called you?????Probably BIG phone bill to them. Read on about the cost to them if WE phone them.

They are 14 hours ahead of Ontario.

Suggestion, try 10-10-7-10 in front of all the numbers,011......,for Cazatel at 99 cents for 25 minutes to Australia. Need to string all numbers together for best connection. Auto dial works best.Quite a pause before it rings....could be as long as 20-30 seconds.

Rob and Ben get NO charge on incoming. Should we ask them to share OUR cost?

Cazatel charge shows up on your Bell bill. Not sure if same on mobiles.

Don Nelson

Anonymous said...

will the 10-10-7-10 work if you don't have a line with Bell?