Sunday, October 21, 2007

Daintree Rainforest

A couple days ago we headed up on this tour to Cape Tribulation. We stopped at a couple places along the way but nothing really notable. Mid afternoon we finally reached our destination YHA's (Youth Hostel Association) Crocodyllus Village. I 'm not exactly sure how we ended up there but next time we will read the pamphlet and my lonely planet a bit closer. In total there were about 15 people and we were living in a camp chalet basically in the middle of the JUNGLE. You know those jungle noises soundtracks you've heard, ya, that is exactly what it sounded like. EXACTLY! After a couple days of tours Ben and I were keenly aware that everything up there can kill you so we were extra vigilant and found ourselves freaking out all the time. To check out the village go to, don't be fooled by the pictures with people in it, there weren't any. So we decided to go to the beach and on the way there it started to rain.... "surprise". While we were hiding under a tree a couple locals offered us a ride and we gladly accepted (which goes against Ben's hitchhiking policy) they asked where we were going and replied to our beach answer with "are you crazy? don't you know a guy almost got killed there yesterday by a croc?!" we went anyways and were the only ones there for some reason. We watched each other's back though.... literally. The next morning we went on a 2k hike along a roped pathway through the bush. It was supposed to be one of those things where you stop, read something from a book at the number, learn something and then carry on. We quickly ditched the book and tried to walk as fast as possible to avoid the bugs and crocodiles.

The next day we went to Port Douglas and hung around. That town is expensive but nice. It has a really nice beach that we went to the next day. What was notable about Port Douglas was that we hit the B.P. while discussing granola bars in the grocery store. The grocery store employee standing behind us must have thought we were idiots as this granola bar discussion blew out of control. After an hour of not talking and not walking beside eachother on the way home we mended the friendship over breakfast and disgusting granola bars which I picked out.

This was our main activity at Crocodyllus, for real.

Some lookout on the way home. This is the bay where Steve Irwin died.

Jungle, straight up.

Army ants that taste like lemons. These were the least of our foes in the jungle.

Our tent/cabin in the jungle, it was a poor excuse for cabin 11.

The gigantor tree right outside our tent/cabin.

Ben, terrified on our 2k deathwalk through the jungle. Don't they know crocodiles like creepy streams and stuff too?

This is me getting malaria, the least of my worries at the time.


Anonymous said...

I remember our resort in the Daintree ...nothing exciting like yours 1 !


Ian said...

who has the winning scrabble record?

Aaron Paas said...

I almost cried laughing when I read the BP story... I can see it happening and I love it.

Andrew Alan Phillips said...

thats some awesome jungle guys. and i feel like i have a good idea of what you mean by real jungle sounds....and that must have been awesome!

Haha yeah the BP story was comedic gold. hahah oh man and i sense there will be more to come...
well keep up the great adventures!

(RIP Steve Irwin)