Thursday, October 18, 2007

My Blogger Debut (and you thought it would never happen)

The rumors are true. I finally made it to Australia after being awake for more than two straight days. Right now we are in Cairns but are leaving tomorrow to go north to Cape Tribulation to check out the beaches and the rainforest. Today we booked a tour around Cairns that took us into the rainforest which is just outside the city. Our guide was great at explaining all about the wildlife when he wasn't preoccupied with hitting on the two not available girls on the tour. Stewy, our guide, had tons of stories to tell us but they all revolved around people being eaten by crocodiles or how deadly everything is here. Listening to these stories it sounds like tourists die here on a weekly basis. For instance, you can't swim in the ocean in Carins because there are too many things that can kill you.

On a different note Rob and I have been spending a lot of money on tours and excurisions so we are trying to save some money by eating cheaply. But the problem is that everything here is more expensive than at home... except peanuts and doritos. Both of which have become staples in our diet. Today for instance we consumed a six pack of peanut-granola bars, two bags of salted peanuts and a bag of doritos. Needless to say that we don't feel very good right now.

Rob loves palm trees so much he made me put up this picture.

Ian, this one is for you. We got invited a party on this boat with seth green. Ok, we didn't get invited but we did tell sloan "what up."

Swimming in the rainforest.

This was taken at Trinity Beach which was beautiful. We went swimming but only lasted about 20 minutes because the waves kicked the crap out of us.

This is the lagoon in the middle of Cairns. Notice the ocean in the background. No one swims in the ocean in Cairns because it is too shallow and weedy, but the pool is nice.

This is Rico. He is staying at the hostel with us. During his scuba course he didn't equalize properly and now he looks like the devil. Don't worry, its not permanent.

Our tour guide Stewy with Cairns in the backgroup. Just to reiterate, ladies, he is single.


j.groen said...

ben, like always, pictures comments = good.

Andrew Alan Phillips said...

ben, i'm already loving your blog posts. great humor. and yeah man...i wasnt kidding. everything there can kill you =)

Aaron Paas said...

I almost cried when I scrolled down to that picture of the devil. tell sloan I say what up back.

Anonymous said...

you're so beautiful ben. when you get home please ask me to marry you... (i'll say yes).
your secret blog admirer

benji said...

thanks for the comments guys, keep ém coming.

Steve said...

will do

Unknown said...

I'm 90% going to Australia next september for 8 months, so you better believe I'm taking notes and I'll be sure to find out all the hot spots you find over the course of your adventure - hope you boys are having a blast out there